Love, what is love?
As humans we equate love like seeing beautiful white doves fluttering up above
We look at love as something outside of ourselves
That’s the lie we like to tell
Because when we fall out of love or forget it’s there, we place the blame on another’s name
It’s always the same story, I stopped loving you because you don’t make me feel the same
It’s easier to feel something when we think it’s not our fault, so we don’t have to think about the consequences our actions have brought
The true crime here is that we fear the love that’s within
Loving yourself is another drug
It feels so damn good to the point where it makes you feel like it’s a sin
Be honest, the love you want and the love our society shows, makes us feel like we have control over another’s soul
Either way you look at it you have been on both sides of heartbreak
Now it is up to you to love yourself until your your soul elevates